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World of Warcraft[edit | edit source]

World of Warcraft is a MMORPG (Massive money (online) requiring paying game) made by Blizzard-company.

History[edit | edit source]

Shortly after discovering America via a large Black Monolith in 2001 BC, Albert Einstein got lost in the Great Blizzard, in which Orcs, Zeglings, Zombies, Elves, and Protoss flew down from the sky and sank his fleet. Together, they made a series of computer games, each one the exact same game as the previous, only with a different name. After the phenominal success of StarCraft 2 way back in 3012, they held the first Blizzard convention. The billions of fans racing to shake the creator's hand accidentally crushed each other, making a massive Black Hole (and in the process waking Xenu from his eternal slumber so he could go and swap drinks with Cthulu) which sucked them all into the poorly rendered World of WarCraft.

Chat/Trade[edit | edit source]

"The Barrens Chat" The Barrens chat is the epitome of stupidity, similar to the infamous "Pit" of, and The Flavor of Love. If you can go into this legendary chat channel and come out unharmed, then we will send you a complimentary "I survived the Barrens Chat" T-Shirt.


"LFG Channel" Now that the Looking For Groupie channel allows for everyone in the entire server to talk to each other, and not by zones, the Barrens Chat has become obsolete, since this is a super powered version of it.

"Trade Channel" Here is where you can come to purchase all your goods, or to sell and advertise them. Some definations for commonly used phrases are as follows:

WTB NIGGER Means that they are interested in buying your mount.

WTS NIGGER Means that they are trying to get rid of their sla...Er..Mount.

WTB WTFBF stands for Warcraft-Players Try Food But Fail

BLIZZARD ISSUED WARNING[edit | edit source]

As found in the Instruction Booklet: "Greetings fellow earthlings, thank for you purchasing World of Warcraft (C)! We think you will want to play this game nonstop, and while we don't mind you paying us monthly for the rest of your life, you need to live as long as possible. To do this, keep in mind that some common side effects that come from playing World of Warcraft are:

Intense Shitting
Skid marks
Job Loss
Urge to Attend Comic Conventions
Significant Weight Loss
False sense of living
Loss of pants
Head-In-Pants Syndrome
Loss of bowel control

Leeroy Jenkins[edit | edit source]

This is one of the stupidist videos of World of Warcraft on the web. Please do not watch or admire it for it is full with flaws which may cause the greatest of gamers to go into an angry rage.

Instances[edit | edit source]

Instances are places that are raided by n00bs because they can't solo a single monster.

The Deadmines

really easy.

initials are VC, not DM. DM stands for Dire Maul, so don't confuse these two very different instances.


Insanely hard. if you beat this instance you have no life, but you are an amazing gamer.

Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is full of critter bugs that can be fatal if you can pull enough of them. The bugs are friendly though, but the boss is so hard you may need a lvl2 priest with you if you want to finish this dungeon. The boss is a giant seed with an eye.

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

Cheap copy of Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, only things different is the order of the rooms, and the boss is slightly darker, resembling Mister T. The critter bugs are also bigger.

Pinkwing Lair

Pinkwing Lair is a small dungeon with only one mob, the head boss named Pinkafarianuraniomglawl. It's a bird. The strategy to win this monster is to run and hit, be hitted, be healed, hit, be hitted, hit. So you may need a priest for this, unless you are over the fifth level. Shaman and druid is also okay.


Zul'Gurub is filled with trolls that can only cast one spell that transforms them into a critter snake. This is said to be the first hard dungeon.

Molten Core

The raid dungeon which is mostly Bosses, fire guys, lava dogs, and rock people. You get your tier one armor sets here. Ragnaros drops the tier two leggings for all classes. Beware of his AoE knockback which not only knocks you back but forward too.

Onyxia's Lair

must have a necklace in your inventory to enter. She's a big purple dragon and also that lady in Stormwind next to the 'king'.


By far the gayest instance within this game, this instance requires at least 40 level 60 disc priests to beat as well as 10 Enhancement Shamans, 3 Subtelty mace rogues, and 2 Arcane Mages and 4 Survival Hunters just to drop the first boss.

There is other instances but those are so hard that anyone ever entered into them got pwned before their screen got updated, and so nobody knows nothing about them. It's said Warcraft's new expansion, The Burning Cuisine, offers players to slave themselves over the game for countless hours to reach the currently un-attainable level 300, and may give players a *slight* chance at beating these challenging instances.

Expansions[edit | edit source]

Expansions are CDs that add something into the game when installed. Gizzard has announced that they release one every year, but everyone knows that's not going to happen.

The Burning Cuisine

There is an expansion coming to World of Warcraft, called The Burning Cuisine. This long-waited expansion adds 1093787513 cooking recipes to World of Warcraft, and so fulfills the dreams of every player, though some did a /suicide when they heard about this.