University of Moccasinia/Assignments/Ugly Brown Color Essay

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Essay List[edit | edit source]

Sapplerx[edit | edit source]

Honestly, I thought Pantone 448 C was the ugliest color in the world. But no. Apparently it goes to hex code #332211. These darn Wikipedians are wrong the entire time. Maybe instead of delegating a Pantone color as "ugly", it should be delegated to #332211. Heck, this should be the primary color cigarette box color all around the world. People vomit when they see Ugly Brown. It really lives up to the name! So, how do we know it is a color? Well, I assume someone mixed in cigarette smoke in the standard shade of brown (more specifically, #964B00) and made it darker. Also, look at its hex code. Doesn't it make you want to fall down a flight of stairs while counting every single number backwards?

Squaw Dee[edit | edit source]

Mqasyn moccasina móçasün c'moc'sn mocacpin m̃óҁcα§inßt noçassins ɱꝍcč̓asin moccasin «Pantonecassin 448ᶜᶜᵃˢᶦⁿ C-asin» moccasin. M0csn, moccasin «suck muck» Englicassin moccasin. Noccasin moccasin "🍌🍌" eatcassin «hindleyite»? moccasin! mocᶜasíñ muhocasin. MƆƇꞒaßyni mcßn mocca mocca sin sin. µöčȼasin moccasini! Maccasin'occasin isin moccasin moccasin. Mṏççȃ𐌔ᶦɴ Moccasinia moc𝔠asin. Moccasinina mcocoasin!

-Squawccasins Deecasins