Uncyclopedia talk:VFH/The Al Pacino Academy of Shouting

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Old discussions[edit source]

  • Concerning Racism, Lists And Length: While I agree this article is overtly racist, there is a small, minute, tiny, tiny chance that one may see it as a parody of racial stereotyping in films, as well as a parody of Al Pacino's abrasive and deprecating characterisations in some of his films. Notice the name "STEREOTYPICAL BLACK GANGSTA:": now rather than writing your average everyday, easily generalisable African American person, i have chosen "SBG" so that the reader will realise and appreciate that this character is one formed from pits of screenwriting hell itself, and should no way reflect real life African Americans. I would hope that people who criticise this article for being inappropriately offensive would have seen such films as Glengarry Glen Ross, and Scent of a Woman. As far as I can tell in a lot of Al Pacino's later films, he IS inappropriately offensive.
In respect of too many lists, well, how else would you present a notable Alumni section, or even staff section. Would you like it in a Haiku? Free-flowing prose with all the names next to each other so your eyes hurt? If you go on any respectable Education Institution's wikipedia page, such as Harvard or Juilliard (which i used as a basis for some of the article), they will have a list for sections such as these. And if you believe the instructional section is merely a list, why don't you consider that you are calling it the exact same thing as the pointless trivia sections that used to haunt most popular pages such as Chuck Norris and Vin Diesel. Hell, even Jack Bauer had a dedicated page for his pointless facts last time I checked. So its not exactly the same thing as a list, is it? Its like more having appropriate subheadings and examples. Again, I'm not saying its the best, but how would you do it any better?
Finally, Length: if you're referring to the script, I may have got a bit tarantino-esque with the dialogue, that maybe could use a bit of a trim. --Matfen815 12:25, October 22, 2009 (UTC)
About your reaction to the lists comment: I wouldn't have had all those sections if all they can be is lists, to put it simply (have you read that page, BTW?). We know a lot of our most popular pages had long and pointless trivia sections - quite a few of us don't like them. This is a personal thing - my own opinion is that there are too many lists on this article (I don't mind the odd list here and there, but when the last third or more of an article is a list, it doesn't do it for me). I'm entitled to said opinion. Other people don't mind that - which is their opinion. Y' dig? As I said, there are some very good bits here, and I want to love it - so please understand: I'm being positive about the article - I like a lot of what's there. My own opinion is that you might want to walk away from this for a week or so, try to forget about it, then come back to it and read it again. Often when you do this, you find you can lose a lot of the stuff you thought so vital when you'd just written it, and you end up with a leaner, meaner (and possibly less listy) piece as a result. Of course, you don't have to - the voting above indicates I'm in the minority with this opinion so far, but then that's what opinion is all about! --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 13:17, Oct 22
Fair enough, it was more the racism thing that got to me anyway. I shall think upon this. thnx for explaining. --Matfen815 13:25, October 22, 2009 (UTC)