Uncyclopedia:Templates/Random silliness

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Random item generation[edit source]

{{Coin}} (random coin-toss: heads, tails, edge, or drain)
{{Card}} (playing card: random value, random suite)
{{Die}} (random six-sided die (1d6))
{{Eightball}} (random Magic 8-ball)
{{Slots}} (one-armed bandit slot machine random result)
{{DidYouKnow}} (random 'Did you know...')
{{Fortune}} (random tagline)
{{Moodring}} (random mood with mood-ring)
{{Chess}} (random 8x8 chess or draughts board)
{{TTTboard}} (random tic-tac-toe / noughts & crosses board)
{{Bingo}} (random bingo card)

Random sightings[edit source]

{{Really random sighting}} (occasionally displays a "(whomever) has been sighted in this article" box)
{{Really random monster}} (these are all deprecated; been replaced by Template:Really random sighting)
{{Really random UFO}}
{{Really random elvis}}
{{Random elvis}}

Random cities / places / quotes / usernames[edit source]

{{RandomCity/Canada}} (random Canadian city or town)
{{RandomCity/China}} (random Chinese city or town)
{{RandomCity/France}} (random French city or town)
{{RandomCity/Mexico}} (random Mexican city or town)
{{RandomCity/Sweden}} (random Swedish city or town)
{{RandomCity/USA}} (random USA city or town)
{{RandomCity/Fictional}} (random fictional city or town)
{{RandomCity/all}} (random city or town from all of the above)
{{RandomPlace}} (random general place)
{{RandomPlaceAlt}} (random alternative place)
{{Randomquote/maleperson}} (random male person quote)
{{Randomquote/object}} (random object quote)
{{Random/Username}} (random Uncyc username)

Random text[edit source]

{{Adj}} (words for construction of random text)
{{Assassin}} (random assassin)
{{Body Part}} (random body part)
{{Expletive}} (random swearing, WTF!)
{{Job}} (random career/job)
{{Chexpletive}} (random words likely to be offensive to the régime in Beijing)
{{Cursewords}} (random curse-words)
{{Given name}} (random given name)
{{Healer}} (random healer)
{{Monster}} (random fantasy game monster(s))
{{Name}} (random name)
{{N00blet}} (random n00b utterance)
{{Noun}} (random noun)
{{Nounlink}} (random wikilinked noun)
{{Noun indefinite}} (random indefinite noun)
{{Noun plural}} (random plural noun)
{{Number}} (random number)
{{Real people's name}} (random person's name and surname)
{{RandomSoccerTeam}} (in italic code)
{{RPG Stat}} (random turn-based combat statistic)
{{Surname}} (random surname (family name))
{{Title (Mad Libs)}} (?????)
{{Verb}} (random verb)
{{Verb singular}} (random singular verb)
{{Verb past tense}} (random past tense verb)
{{Verb perfect}} (random perfect verb)
{{random Russian reversal}} (random Russian reversal quote)
{{Utensil}} (random thing you eat with)
{{SF Currency}} (?????)

Playing cards[edit source]

{{Card/ace}} (individual Ace card, specify suit)
{{Card/2}} (individual 2 card, specify suit)
{{Card/3}} (individual 3 card, specify suit)
{{Card/4}} (individual 4 card, specify suit)
{{Card/5}} (individual 5 card, specify suit)
{{Card/6}} (individual 6 card, specify suit)
{{Card/7}} (individual 7 card, specify suit)
{{Card/8}} (individual 8 card, specify suit)
{{Card/9}} (individual 9 card, specify suit)
{{Card/10}} (individual 10 card, specify suit)
{{Card/jack}} (individual Jack card, specify suit)
{{Card/queen}} (individual Queen card, specify suit)
{{Card/king}} (individual Kink card, specify suit)
{{Card/joker}} (individual joker card, specify text colour)

Meta-templates[edit source]

Playing card construction[edit source]


style="height:300px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; border: inset 3px #666644; padding: 4px"

|- |{{Card/diamonds}} (playing card text colours) |- |{{Card/hearts}} (playing card text colours) |- |{{Card/clubs}} (playing card text colours) |- |{{Card/spades}} (playing card text colours) |}

Dice[edit source]

{{Die/1}} (die with value of 1)
{{Die/2}} (die with value of 2)
{{Die/3}} (die with value of 3)
{{Die/4}} (die with value of 4)
{{Die/5}} (die with value of 5)
{{Die/6}} (die with value of 6)
{{Die/7}} (die with value of 7)

Mood ring[edit source]

{{Moodring/body}} (a cock ring mood ring with specified text & color)

Chess[edit source]

{{Chessboard}} (customizable chess board, see Template talk:Chessboard)
{{Chess/edge}} (random chess piece top/bottom row, empty spaces weighted, no pawns)
{{Chess/mid}} (random chess piece middle 6 rows, empty spaces weighted)

Others[edit source]

{{Google}} (left-aligned 4-colour Google word-mark)
{{My anti-drug}}
{{Stress/1}} (random (anti)-stress quote)
{{Stress/2}} (random (anti)-stress quote)
{{Stress/3}} (random (anti)-stress quote)
{{WHOIS/com1}} (random WHOIS info)

Word of the day (Wotd)[edit source]

{{Wotd/03}} (random 'word of the day')
{{Wotd/07}} (random 'word of the day')
{{Wotd/08}} (random 'word of the day')
{{Wotd/09}} (random 'word of the day')
{{Wotd/10}} (random 'word of the day')
{{Wotd/11}} (random 'word of the day')
{{Wotd/12}} (random 'word of the day')
{{Wotd/code}} (code for random 'wotd')

See also[edit source]