Uncyclopedia:Featured articles/January 23
Le Esperanto esta un language est designed pour un amalgamation d'un multiplille populaire languages-o de ChEarthé *click*. Les creators no esperanto wa designed ching chong langue pour understandmekk de cheveryone dans el Earth-o, so esperanto ga les tiny pieces de every langue *click* wing wang ding dong, even les languages-o imaginaires desu.
Trois mens with un sweatervested intereste en al-globaalizaationhussein, L.L. Zamenhof, Joey Fandango et Lucious Stephanlolopous, wanted to develop-o un language that any people, no matter-o cet native taangu, can understandement. Avec un petit bitto of chelp fromu el Yale professakk et Google Translate, Zamenhof, Fandango and Stephalolopous were ablu *click* create a global language that *click* multiple ching chong wing wang cultures all over the world. (Full article...)