UnScripts:The death of the Wikia Uncyclopedia
Scene 1: Zombiebaron's talk page on the non-Wikia Unyclopedia.
Author's note: If you actually asked Zombiebaron this question, he would say no.
Figgycity50: "I hate the Wikia Uncylopedia. I think we should go and start a wiki war and go vandalize them."
Zombiebaron: "Yeah."
Scene 2: Zombiebaron is editing the global message, you know, the one at the top of the wiki.
Zombiebaron (typing): YOUR WIKI NEEDS YOU!! Fight in the Wiki war of us vs Wikia uncylopedia. Zombiebaron saves the file.
Scene 3: Every page on Uncyclopedia.
IFYMB!: *sees the message* "Let's FIGHT!"
Redhot: *sees the message* "Let's FIGHT!"
Lyrithia: *sees the message* "Let's FIGHT!"
Figgycity50: *sees the message* "I am already FIGHTING!"
everyone else: *sees the message* "Let's FIGHT!"
Scene 4: The Wikia Uncyclopedia.
The non-Wikian Uncyclopedians are vandalizing every page they can, and redirecting as many page links as possible to the UnWikian Uncyclopedia site.
Wikian Uncyclopedian: "What is going on?!"
Wikian Uncyclopedian #2: "Dunno."
Wikian Uncyclopedian #3: "RUUUNNNN!!!!!"
Wikian Uncyclopedian #4: Scold, undo, rollback, ban, scold, nuke, repeat. (While the abuse filter is being updated, hundreds more pages are vandalized.)
Simslikesims: "I am fed up of this. How many bots can we actually block?"
Scene 5: Wikia Support Center.
Simslikesims contacts Wikia and asks them to black out the Wikian Uncyclopedia for a bit while he fixes the problems.
Wikia Support: "You are now blacked out from Wikia forever."
The other admins contacts Wikia and asks them to black out the Wikian Uncyclopedia for a bit while they fix the problems. They get the same response.
Wikia Support: "You are now blacked out from Wikia forever."
Wikian Uncyclopedia Admins: "THEY MISHEARD US, DAMMIT!"
With no person to govern them but Sophia, the Wikian Uncylopedians retreat to the non-Wikian Unyclopedia. Wikia Uncyclopedia is left to die.
Scene 5: The only Uncyclopedia left after the wiki war.
Zombiebaron and Figgycity50: "We made it everyone! Well done!"
Everyone: "WOO HOO YAY YAHOO!!!"