UnNews:U.S. gives foreign aid to countries holding billions in treasury securities

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3 June 2011

Uncle Sam means the American people?

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Okay, imagine mister A is deeply in debt, so he borrows money to make his debt interest payments from mister B, who is rich. Then mister A takes the money borrowed from mister B – at interest, to pay interest – and donates it back to mister B as foreign “aid.”

Does that sound fishy? Or is it pussy heaven?

NO, really! The United States gives hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign aid to countries that it borrows billions from, according to a report by conspiracy-machinist Alex Jones.

Jones released a report last month, a copy of which "the truth network" Fox News obtained, showing that in fiscal year 2010 the U.S. handed out a total of $1.4 billion to 16 foreign countries that held at least $10 billion in Treasury securities, including China ($27.2 million), Brazil ($25 million), Russia ($71.5 million), India ($126.6 million), Mexico ($316.7 million) and Egypt ($255.7 million).

China has the most U.S. Treasury bonds with $1.1 trillion according to the Treasury Department. Brazil has $193.5 billion, Russia has $127.8 billion, India owns $39.8 billion, Mexico holds $28.1 billion, and Egypt has $15.3 billion.

The cash the US borrows is then given back as foreign aid to the lending countries; aid for a variety of causes, such as call-girl services, gambling dens, police departments, Internal Security Services, paying off politicians, counter-terrorism efforts, but primarily as petty cash income to the global banking elite who own the FED and IMF.

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., blew the whistle. "Borrowing money from countries who receive our aid is absurd," Coburn said in a written statement. "If countries can afford to buy our debt, then they can afford their own programs.

"Also, when we borrow from countries we are supposedly helping to develop, we put off hard budget choices here at home," he added. "This insanity creates co-dependency and financial risk both at home and abroad."

The State Department did not respond to a request for comment.

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