UnNews:Sony breach by Al-Qaeda helps find Osama bin Laden; Playstation geeks compensated

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2 May 2011

Now that Osama has been located, geeks like him can have his PlayStation back.

TOKYO, Japan -- After a few weeks of not being able to log in to feed their addiction, Sony has announced that the PlayStation Network had been sabotaged by Al-Qaeda by order of the late Osama bin Laden. Sony had not announced the breach for an entire two days in order to avoid the U.S. Government from breathing down their backs. But, after the breach was located, Sony had been seized by the government to use the electronic signals to find bin Laden. As geeks were being deprived of online Call of Duty, the government was looking from bin Laden through Playstation's network. Once bin Laden was executed, Sony President Sir Howard Stringer said:

The geeks deprived of games in the name of counter-terrorism are being given a small sum of compensation in order to buy more Sony products and other essential items such as RAM for their PlayStation console or computer. Sony expects that this incident will result in a large surplus this quarter.

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