UnNews:Fox "Restructures"

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22 December 2005‎ President of Fox, Old Man Rupert Murdoch, today announced he his going to restructure his news empire, NewsCorp. Some changes include:

Rupert Murdoch looking particularly foxy.
  • Removing Management and replacing them with Slavedrivers run by his Miniluv
  • Replacing all news stations with Minitru
  • Extending the poison pill for another 5000 years
  • Replacing the official NewsCorp language with Newspeak

He baffled reporters at a press conference by suddenly switching language to Newspeak to keep up with the times.

Aides of Rupert Murdoch attributed this recent bout of insanity to third stage syphilis, but none-the-less, NewsCorp is now known as Airstrip One.