UnNews:Even Stevens star Tom Virtue still waiting for Breaking Bad style role

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31 March 2014
Virtue, left, next to Shia Lebouef, who was named after a fart in a bathtub.

Actor Tom Virtue, who played Shia Lebouef's father in hit Disney Channel comedy Even Stevens is still waiting for a Breaking Bad style series, it has emerged.

Ever since Malcolm in the Middle star Bryan Cranston was cast as constantly-open-mouthed Walter White in AMC's commercial and critical success, Virtue has been waiting for his phone to ring.

In recent months, the 56-year-old has even taken to writing a blog on his official website, suggesting roles he could possibly play. On March 2 he wrote, "How about a frustrated, small-town pharmacist who suddenly snaps and takes on the local Mafia?" and this week his latest post read, "I could also be a retired businessman who, bored with nothing to do, starts to rob banks."

He has yet to receive a single comment on the blog. Shia Lebouef has not yet been asked about the blog, but it must be remembered he was named after a fart in a bathtub.

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