UnNews:Cunt flashers on the loose

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29 May 2013

An artist's impression of something we refuse to photograph. We also dropped our camera running away.

The world has hardly recovered from this shock when yet another disaster strikes us in a far more sinister form. Hundreds - maybe even thousands or, God forbid, tens of thousands of women all around the civilised world have take it upon themselves to flash their naked cunts to unsuspecting cuntyphobes! Why are they doing this? Couldn't someone else report it? Where did they get the list of cuntyphobes and why is my name on the list?

I assure you I am not a cuntyphobe, and I strongly advice you not to flash that thing at me - not because I wouldn't be able to take the sight - on the contrary, I am a well-known aficionado of the female genitalia - but because it is against the law! It is against all the rules I can think of, and I can think of many!

So, in short, cunts have been spotted, a report has been made, and I certainly hope this phenomenon will end as suddenly as it began. What is it with people nowadays? Isn't sex in the dark enough?