UnNews:Conversion therapy leader admits to male practice; closes facility

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21 June 2013

Alan Chambers on the left with his wife of many years on the right. Nobody, not even his own wife, knew Chambers was suffering from homosexuality.

An organization which tried to find a cure for homosexuality for over 30 years is now closing because its own leader is terminally ill with the disease that the organization fought to cure. Alan Chambers, President of the Christian counseling organization "The Exodus", released a statement in which he confessed to regularly engaging in "male practice" and "sodomy of the sort that destroyed Gomorrah."

The organization was well-known for its use of "conversion therapy". The therapy's objective, which is to turn homosexuals into heterosexuals, is based on Ancient Nazi medicine which sought to turn homosexuals to into superheterosexuals (or "supersexuals") for the increasingly gay German navy. Such medicine, as proselytized by The Exodus, taught that homosexuality was a communicable disease, and that one could catch it by being cramped in tight quarters with men (e.g. prisons, vessels, Boy Scout camps). Per the Nazi guidelines, the organization prescribed daily doses of prayer, electroshock, and figure skating, all to no effect on both young children and adults.

The news comes as a surprise to many as Chambers' own homosexuality was not publicly known. Chambers apologized for leading the wrong path his entire life, and emphasized that he has now "seen the light" and would like to change his ways. Given his organization's success rate, it seems unlikely that much more can be expected of Alan Chambers.

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