UnNews:Australia bans vowels in move to reduce government deficit

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1 July 2009

Prm Mnstr Kvn Rdd nd hs cntnng cmpgn fr th strln ppl.

Th nd f th fnncl yr hs brght bt hrrbl trn f vnts fr th strln-nglsh Lngg. D t th Glbl Fnncl Crss thr ws n mrgncy sttng f cbnt lst nght s th xpcttns f bdgt dfct sprlld t f cntrl. Th Trsry Mnstr, Th Hnrbl Wyn Swn MP, dlvrd n mpssnd yt crtld spch lst nght.

"Th cst t ths gvrnmnt nd th strln ppl n ppr, dt trnsmssn nd n tm ch yr s stggrng. By rmvng wht s ffctvly lss thn n ffth f th lphbt, w r drmtclly bl t rdc th csts n ll f ths rs, ptntlly brngng strl t n tp n ths crrnt fnncl clmt."

“, , , , nd , mst ll g.” h cntnd. “W r ndcdd s t Y s w r stll nt sr why t s cnsdrd vwl.”

Ths ws nt wtht sm dssnt frm wthn th Lbr rnks. Th Hnrbl Mrk Btlr MP, Mnstr fr Prt dld, sd "Ths s n nfr nd bsd tx nd wll ht my cnsttnts hrdr thn mst." Hwvr, Mr Chrs Trvr MP, Mmbr fr Flynn, smply sd "Whtvr."