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 Recent Changes


Howdy! welcome to the Recent Changes page. Here, you'll see recent changes made by hopeless noobs with no girlfriends people just like You! We here, at this fancy-schmancy page, encourage you to start editing Oregon Trail as well! Why not? It's not like you have anything else to do, anyways!

TopicLast EditLast Author
OT/KRC/ferry11:52, 26 November 2023DaniPine3
OT/trail/swim11:38, 26 November 2023DaniPine3
OT/yourself19:26, 7 August 2022Alula
OT/furry18:30, 7 August 2022Alula
OT/banker18:30, 7 August 2022Alula
OT/rest18:04, 7 August 2022Alula
OT/findoutstart18:03, 7 August 2022Alula
OT/start18:03, 7 August 2022Alula
OT/abouttrail18:03, 7 August 2022Alula
OT/os18:03, 7 August 2022Alula
Oregon Trail18:02, 7 August 2022Alula
OT/KRC/Village/followhim06:18, 4 December 2021DeletedUser51be906d
OT/trail05:26, 3 July 2021Username
OT/classic202:03, 30 July 2018Username1999AAA
OT/classic02:00, 30 July 2018Username1999AAA
OT/RC04:54, 16 June 2018Timeago2423
OT/KRC/caulk04:44, 16 June 2018Timeago2423
OT/KRC/ford06:30, 8 June 201873.83.172.105
OT/KRC06:29, 8 June 201873.83.172.105
OT/KRC/Village/duelaccept07:52, 13 May 2018Pill dickle
OT/KRC/village07:52, 13 May 2018Pill dickle
OT/yourself307:47, 13 May 2018Pill dickle
OT/yourself207:46, 13 May 2018Pill dickle
OT/talkindependence07:45, 13 May 2018Pill dickle
OT/KRC/Village/duelrefuse15:53, 23 December 2010Mimo&maxus
OT/tradeindependence01:23, 29 November 200868.48.186.252
OT/talkindependence201:26, 23 October 2008
OT/mapindependence01:22, 23 October 2008
OT/tradeindependence201:12, 23 October 2008
OT/mapindependence201:08, 23 October 2008
OT/tradeyes01:03, 23 October 2008
OT/pace200:52, 23 October 2008
OT/pace/complain00:47, 23 October 2008
OT/pace300:46, 23 October 2008
OT/pace00:43, 23 October 2008
OT/begpace22:13, 22 October 2008
OT/pace121:52, 22 October 2008

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