UnGames:Escape from Ojai/Thank the Great God Mokkááwŝen (Sword)

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You thank the Great God Mokkááwŝen. A great beep noise happens and a great voice comes down from the heavens. It says: "<insert name here> has gained 12 XP!" You wait for something to happen. Nothing happens. You begin to wonder what on earth is the point of gaining 12 XP if you can't do anything with it. You also begin to wonder about your own sanity. The great voice begins again: "As a result, you have gained access to...The Shop." A glowing icon appears in front of you. It says: The Shop. It disappears. "At the Shop, you may convert your XP into things you can use."

Have self-existential crisis.

Go to the Shop.

Curse Mokkááwŝen.

Kill yourself using your sword.

Break the 4th Wall by wondering at the sanity of the writers of this game.