UnGames:Escape from Ojai/Eat the glowing moccasin

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This is Checkpoint 1½.

Golden Moccasin.png

You eat your moccasin. "That tasted like shi- WTF? Why am I flying? Why am I in Canada? Oh, wait, no, that's just Sulphur Mountain. Dude, I am like, so high right now, Holy Shit!," you exclaim all in one breath. You tear the snake in half and use it as a whip against a floating, golden moccasin which appears right in front of you. All at once, the vision ends. You are on the ground, but you aren't suffering from the effects of a snakebite anymore (if applicable), and the snake (if applicable) is torn in half in front of you, next to a moccasin sword.

All at once, a voice booms from the heavens.

You instantly know that was the Great God Mokkááwŝen, and you have an unavoidable urge to pray to him. You now have (1) moccasin sword