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"Hello? Doctor Brown?" I say over the phone.

"Greg? What is it?"

"It's Jenny! She's the one helping Eldritch!"

"Oh, this is bad." the doctor says. "We need to make a plan to deal with the two."

"Doctor, I think we should kill them." I say, with a surprising lack of any hesitation. Hmm... maybe killing bad guys is such an inherently noble thing to do that considering it isn't accompanied by any feelings of guilt whatsoever!

"My thoughts exactly, Greg. I'm glad you have the stomach to do what's necessary. Meet me in Dorsal Station in 5 hours. I'll have everything ready there."

I head over to the abandoned Dorsal Station, and find the doctor there. He's packing flashbang grenades, a liquid nitrogen canister and two 12-gauge pump-action shotguns. Oh yeah!

"Time to get crackin'" he says. "Now let's see if they took the bait."

I hear three voices heading towards me. One is that of Jenny, and the other two are....Eurg!

"Hmm...where is my Dad's file cabinet?" says one of the abominations' voices.

"We'll find it Eldritch." Jenny replies. "C'mon, Barry! Sniff it out, there's a good boy!"

"Barry?!" I scream out loud, giving away our position.

"ATTACK!" the doctor screams, throwing the flashbang grenades.

As Jenny, Eldritch and Barry get blinded by the flashes, I immediately head over to Jenny, and aim my shotgun at her. DIE, BITCH!

But just then, Eldritch darts over towards me. Oh no, he's coming too fast and I have no time to dodge! Not that I could in any case, I'm frozen in terror by just how...abominable he looks.

Just then, a spray of liquid nitrogen stops Eldritch right in his tracks, and he gets blasted away by the doctor's shotgun.

ALRIGHT! Now, time to die for your sins, Jenny girl!

But now Barry's in my way. Oh my God, he's just like them! But I...I...

His body splatters into pieces as Doctor Brown's shotgun rips him apart.

"Stop screwing around and SHOOT!" the doctor screams.

He's right. I quickly find Jenny, sprawled on the floor, struggling to stand up, and blast open her back with my shotgun. Oh, yeah, baby girl! Bleed! And bleed some more!

"NO!" screams the abomination Eldritch, as he crawls over to Jenny. "JENNY!"

"AAAAAAA!" I scream, blowing Eldritch the abomination back with my shotgun. "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU ALL! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"JENNY!" he keeps screaming, even though Doctor Brown and I've blown apart a good chunk of his body by now.

I hear a gunshot, and see that the doctor has collapsed. Jenny had a handgun on her the whole time. "Monsters." she's murmuring. "I must...protect...Eldritch...kill the monsters..."

Monsters? She thinks of us as monsters? Why would she? Why would she-AAAAAAA!

What am I seeing? The world! It's covered in blood! The doctor! The doctor's a pile of rotting meat! And Eldritch...Eldritch is a man!

Barry's a man too! He looks the way he did before he disappeared! And Jenny...she looks the same...why does she look...what's happening? What's happening to me?!

And now it's back to normal. The doctor's human, and Eldritch is a monster. But why...why did it-AAAAAA! NO, NOT AGAIN, I...I...

I can see double now. One half of the world is a putrid abomination, covered in guts and slime. In this half, Eldritch, Barry and Jenny are human. The doctor is a monster. A most horrible, repulsive monster. And they're all dead.

But the other half is the way I remember the world. The station is mostly clean. There are no guts to be seen, except those of the dead. The doctor is human. Jenny is human. And Barry and Eldritch are the disgusting monsters I remember them as.

I see both worlds. They're part of my vision now. And Jenny...Jenny's the only thing they have in common. No, had in common. Jenny's dead now. They're all dead. But the disparities, they'll drive me insane! I...I don't know how this happened! How am I able to see both worlds at once! How can I go on like this!

But maybe I can. Maybe there is a way. But how will I be able to...yes, I think I know how.

The bag is a heavy one, though I shouldn't be surprised. But I'll have to hurry. It won't last long.

I'm pretty surprised at how quickly I've been able to adapt to my new situation. It's probably my desperation that's helping me. If I don't succeed in what I'm doing, I don't think I'll be able to carry on any longer.

After I reach home, I put the bag down, and open my refrigerator. I bought it just a week ago, and thankfully haven't used it much. Yes, she'll fit in just fine in here.

I remove everything inside and take out the trays. I then open the bag and take out Jenny's body. With some difficulty, I straighten her up and remove her clothes. The sticky blood makes her quite slippery, but I manage just fine in the end.

Good. She doesn't look too bad from the front. She'll do fine.

I place her body, facing front, into the fridge. She fits in snugly. Yes, Jenny's the one link my two worlds have in common. No matter what happens, she'll always look like this. My refrigerator will make sure of that.

I'll have to take extra measures to ensure it keeps on running, of course. And to ensure that I'm never found out. But I'll manage. I'll have to manage.

If I ever fail to...I'll just press this gun to my head and end it all.