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Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas dictum ipsum ut sapien. Nulla at massa ac nibh pretium tempor. Donec libero. Donec sit amet nisi a pede auctor hendrerit. Proin tristique risus eu risus. Donec eget metus. Proin posuere, lectus quis malesuada convallis, felis nisi fermentum magna, ut vulputate diam enim ac tellus. Proin pede. Donec a justo ac leo ullamcorper lacinia. In pretium convallis purus. Etiam venenatis, nisl vel consectetuer pellentesque, orci mi malesuada urna, vel tempus nunc est at purus. Maecenas volutpat.
—Source, Citation


{{Vquote}} is a variant of the {{Cquote}} quotation templates. Both templates allow the editor to set a custom width for the quotation, but the spacing and quote placement is very different.

With the freedom to size the quotation, the editor takes responsibility for the aesthetics of the contribution. For instance, 50% or less of a mobile page might render odd or illegible.


{{Vquote|alignment|width= |quote text|source|citation}}
left or right. If undefined, the template will assume right.
The width of the box, either a relative percentage of the screen such as 45%, or the user can set an absolute width such as 300px. If undefined, the template will assume 50%.
quote text
Text to be quoted, without quotation marks around it.
Note: If the quote text contains one or more "=" (equal signs), the use = as a substitute.
Individual or other party responsible for the quotation.
Information on where the quotation was published.


45% aligned right →


Yet there are moments when the walls of the mind grow thin; when nothing is unabsorbed, and I could
fancy that we might blow so vast a bubble that the sun might set and rise in it and we might take
the blue of midday and the black of midnight and be cast off and escape from here and now.|[[Virginia Woolf]]|[[The Waves]]}}


Yet there are moments when the walls of the mind grow thin; when nothing is unabsorbed, and I could fancy that we might blow so vast a bubble that the sun might set and rise in it and we might take the blue of midday and the black of midnight and be cast off and escape from here and now.

Virginia Woolf, The Waves

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean imperdiet aliquam lacus. Fusce semper nulla eu ipsum. Aenean rhoncus enim eget ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel erat eget risus dignissim luctus. Pellentesque mi erat, porttitor a, venenatis sit amet, bibendum eget, magna.

Duis sollicitudin ligula. Proin dictum felis. Vestibulum porttitor laoreet neque. In augue. In at nisi eu neque rutrum rhoncus. Nam dapibus, enim non ullamcorper interdum, purus felis cursus massa, et pharetra sapien neque et purus. Sed bibendum elit id enim. Ut interdum, lacus ac interdum consequat, justo eros adipiscing sapien, eget elementum odio nibh sit amet mauris. Sed condimentum pede quis tortor. Aenean eu quam. Nunc auctor, arcu sed porttitor ullamcorper, justo elit adipiscing eros, vel tincidunt risus elit eget est. Aenean eget neque at massa rhoncus tempor.

Phasellus adipiscing, mauris a rhoncus dictum, massa nunc suscipit sapien, non aliquet tortor arcu nec mi. In malesuada sollicitudin odio. Duis quis nisi. Proin semper tincidunt velit. Vestibulum ornare est ac arcu. Aenean euismod. Praesent felis elit, ornare vel, molestie sed, suscipit nec, ipsum.

Praesent consectetuer dictum mi. Curabitur ut velit ac felis imperdiet luctus. Maecenas malesuada, lacus vel vestibulum bibendum, felis metus euismod sem, in venenatis enim lorem non mauris. Praesent gravida dui quis nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse laoreet lorem sed risus.

350px aligned left ←


When I am = to you and you are = to me then we are = to each other.  What does this 
thought finally =? Well, it = the sum of human knowledge, if we assume that the sum of human 
knowledge = ''When I am = to you and you are = to me then we are = to each other.''|[[User:PuppyOnTheRadio|PuppyOnTheRadio]]|Vquote Template}}


When I am = to you and you are = to me then we are = to each other. What does this thought finally =? Well, it = the sum of human knowledge, if we assume that the sum of human knowledge = When I am = to you and you are = to me then we are = to each other.

PuppyOnTheRadio, Vquote Template

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean imperdiet aliquam lacus. Fusce semper nulla eu ipsum. Aenean rhoncus enim eget ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel erat eget risus dignissim luctus. Pellentesque mi erat, porttitor a, venenatis sit amet, bibendum eget, magna.

Duis sollicitudin ligula. Proin dictum felis. Vestibulum porttitor laoreet neque. In augue. In at nisi eu neque rutrum rhoncus. Nam dapibus, enim non ullamcorper interdum, purus felis cursus massa, et pharetra sapien neque et purus. Sed bibendum elit id enim. Ut interdum, lacus ac interdum consequat, justo eros adipiscing sapien, eget elementum odio nibh sit amet mauris. Sed condimentum pede quis tortor. Aenean eu quam. Nunc auctor, arcu sed porttitor ullamcorper, justo elit adipiscing eros, vel tincidunt risus elit eget est. Aenean eget neque at massa rhoncus tempor.

Phasellus adipiscing, mauris a rhoncus dictum, massa nunc suscipit sapien, non aliquet tortor arcu nec mi. In malesuada sollicitudin odio. Duis quis nisi. Proin semper tincidunt velit. Vestibulum ornare est ac arcu. Aenean euismod. Praesent felis elit, ornare vel, molestie sed, suscipit nec, ipsum.

Praesent consectetuer dictum mi. Curabitur ut velit ac felis imperdiet luctus. Maecenas malesuada, lacus vel vestibulum bibendum, felis metus euismod sem, in venenatis enim lorem non mauris. Praesent gravida dui quis nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse laoreet lorem sed risus.