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All fields are optional! Hopefully now people can make this funny, as they no longer have to fill everything in.

Use boxtype to set the colors of the infobox; the main ones are:

  • animal
  • plant
  • fungi
  • bacteria
  • amoeba
  • virus
Taxons with their associated colours
Animalia rgb(211,211,164)
Archaeplastida rgb(144,238,144) (palegreen)
Fungi rgb(173,216,230) (lightblue)
Chromalveolata rgb(173,238,63)
Rhizaria rgb(225,204,252)
Excavata rgb(240,230,140) (khaki)
Amoebozoa rgb(255,200,160)
Bacteria rgb(211,211,211) (lightgray)
Archaea rgb(236,210,210)
Viruses rgb(238,130,238) (violet)
Default and incertae sedis rgb(250,240,230) (linen)

If you don't use this parameter, the template will attempt to decide what color to use based on the value of kingdom. Default color is a light blue.

Besides the usual kingdom, phylum, class, order, genus, species, variety that most are familiar with, this taxobox also contains a lot of those weird fields like superphylum and subfamily that you'll find over at Wikipedia. Like everything from Wikipedia, they are mostly non-essential.

Also, when copying stuff from Wikipedia's documentation page for the taxobox template, I found out that scientists have invented a new kind of taxon for footprints as well as for eggs: Ichnotaxa and Ootaxa respectively. What will they come up with next?!

Standard fields

|boxtype           = 
|name              = 
|image             = <!-- Black.png -->
|image_size        = 
|image_caption     = 
|kingdom           = 
|phylum            = 
|class             = 
|order             = 
|family            = 
|genus             = 
|species           = 
|variety           = 
|biname            = 
|range_map         = <!-- map.png -->
|range_map_caption = 
|habitat           = 
|pri_arm           = 
|sec_arm           = 
|power             = 
|hp                = 
|mp                = 
|strength          = 
|intel             = 
|weight            = 
|length            = 
|special           = 
|conserv           = 
|convers           = 
Some potentially helpful information:
  • Animalia: Animals. Duh.
  • Archaeplastida: Land plants, green algae, red algae and glaucophytes (another kind of algae).
  • Fungi: Funguses, obviously. Rather closely related to animals.
  • Chromalveolata: Golden algae, brown algae, yellow-green algae, water molds and a whole bunch of other (predominantly unicellular) organisms (as you might've guessed, related to plants).
  • Rhizaria: Amoeba-like organisms related to plants.
  • Excavata: A bunch of unicellular organisms related to plants. Named after a couple of its species' primary occupation of "excavating" the intestines of insects.
  • Amoebozoa: Amoebas and slime molds, mostly. Related to animals and fungi.
  • Bacteria and Archaea: Single-celled organisms that lack a cell nucleus. The two groups mostly differ in their metabolic pathways and cell membranes.
  • Viruses: Those small thingies that need host cells to replicate.
  • incertae sedis: A term used when scientists don't have a fucking clue how to classify the organism in question.