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[edit] [purge] Template-info.svg Template documentation


Can be used in the style property to create rounded corners. <div style="width:5em; height:10em; background:gray; {{Border-radius}}"></div> makes:

To add a custom radius, pass an argument. <div style="width:5em; height:10em; background:gray; {{Border-radius|35%}}"></div> makes:

You can also pass a custom radius per-corner. The order of corners is clockwise, starting from the top left corner. <div style="width:5em; height:10em; background:gray; {{Border-radius|7px|50px|0px|25px}}"></div> makes:

This page has been Hell Busted by L10nM4st3r. Nothing appears to be wrong here, for now at least. Well, what are you still doing here? Scram!