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Template documentation

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This template is for use with UnScripts screenplays, for stage directions and the like. Used with {{line}}, and {{paren}} (for mid-line parentheticals). See UnScripts:The Socialer Network as an example.
- 1 = Directions, blocking, etc.
- dir1-4 = Transitions, or something; add more if need be
- set = Scene (setting)
- time = time of day
{{block|dir1=Fade in|set=int. dark side of Uranus|time=simulated starship evening|CAPTAIN PICARESQUE and NUMBER TWO are on the poop deck, engaged in a furious fisting session involving copious amounts of spittle. Through the partially-open doorway, the unseen LT. BARF watches them, while leering salaciously and stimulating himself.}}
Fade in
int. dark side of Uranus - simulated starship evening
CAPTAIN PICARESQUE and NUMBER TWO are on the poop deck, engaged in a furious fisting session involving copious amounts of spittle. Through the partially-open doorway, the unseen LT. BARF watches them, while leering salaciously and stimulating himself.