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“What is the least spoken language? Braille. Because it can only be written and nobody speaks it aloud.”

~ the Яidiculous Captain, obviously
[edit] [purge] Template-info.svg Template documentation

This template is used for Captain Яidiculous quotes.


{{Яquote|blah blah blah|something}} gives:

“blah blah blah”

~ the Яidiculous Captain, obviously on something

If you use {{Яquote|blah blah blah}}, you would get

“blah blah blah”

~ the Яidiculous Captain, obviously

If you put nothing into the template and just use {{Яquote}}, it gives a random Captain Яidiculous quote. Each time you refresh, it would change. If it doesn't change, refresh again. If it still doesn't change, it is a sign that you are in trouble. Like

“Sandwiches are made of sand.”

~ the Яidiculous Captain, obviously

The random quotes come from Template:Яandomquote.