Talk:Lorem ipsum
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The contents of Lorem Ispum were merged into Lorem ipsum and they now redirect here. For the contribution history and old versions of the merged article please see its history. |
Explanation[edit source]
Since some people just plain don't get it, this page is a normal wiki page which, instead of "real" content, has been filled with lipsum--a form of organized gibberish commonly used as a substitute for real text when demonstrating things like page layouts. It is not missing a language classification, unless we're starting a category for pages in Latin now, and frankly even then it would be inappropriate as that would ruin the joke. --Andrusi 03:58, 5 Dec 2005 (UTC)
Well, to be perfectly technical, it isn't just random text, but rather an extended quote from Cicero. The effect is roughly the same, however.
Non comprendum amicum. Uatum izus ziii miiningus ofus zisus??
Tip for mac users[edit source]
Get LipServiceX and Safari/Camino. Press Command+' and you get a full sentence of lorem ipsum.
Example: Enis andrero egestas curae vulluptat acipsus pulvinar ultrices commodolor, onse eugiam ed. --Roger The Bum 06:32, 7 Jan 2006 (UTC)
Maecenas id diam[edit source]
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ligula quam, interdum eu, tempor non, eleifend ac, urna. Maecenas eu mi. Sed eget sem. Curabitur massa lectus, vulputate eu, suscipit ac, laoreet ac, tortor. Maecenas quam. Nullam eros neque, lacinia a, laoreet non, blandit nec, justo. Sed erat leo, suscipit ac, tristique a, congue ut, diam. In pede magna, faucibus nec, malesuada ut, posuere ac, odio. Suspendisse a ligula? Fusce non dolor in ligula cursus imperdiet. Integer leo lorem, fermentum ac, venenatis vitae, consequat ut, felis. Aenean laoreet, nisi eu accumsan convallis, est lectus rhoncus mi, quis sodales urna ligula vitae purus. Aenean tempor faucibus mi. Vestibulum pretium.
Familiarity is enough?[edit source]
Does this article really need the German/Engrish warning on top? I think the familiarity warning is enough, and the less non-lipsum in the article, the better, I feel. --CaptainSpam MUN 07:10, 13 April 2006 (UTC)
Soviet Russia[edit source]
Whoever came up with that is awesome. Therefore I promise not to dolor you for a whole day. --Andrusi 21:56, 1 November 2007 (UTC)
Let’s see Lips[edit source]
Let’s see if it is really, mostly lipsum. Go to the Wikipedia page, and see what parts of Lorem Ipsum are included. If you're finished, comment on the Latin talk page. (talk) 04:16, 31 January 2022 (UTC)