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Re: Addition of Hadolf Itler to list of fictional anthropologists. Fair enough, but there's not much to back it up, i.e. neither a mention nor an inference of anthropological tendencies on the Hadolf Itler article itself, which makes his inclusion appear spurious. And possibly 'just stupid' as opposed to 'funny'. --Seamus Mahoney 11:21, 8 September 2006 (UTC)

Re: This article has clearly been brought to the attention of a 1st year student. I say all jokes that require some actual knowledge of the field of anthropology be removed since they are elitist, ethnocentric and orientalist. Uncyclopedia is not a place where people who know about a subject come to read a humerous take on said subject; rather the purpose of uncyclopedia ought to be a place where people who knew nothing about something can come and discover that they don't need to know anthing else. I hope I've made myself clear.