Singapore does not exist

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Ah, the country of Singapore. How could one turd be filled with so much crap? Well, that's the thing. It can't. Why? Well, after many hours staring at a map, I have been completely unable to find Singapore anywhere on the map? I here you plead "How could you not find it?", well the thing is, is that little thing on the side other there is either a broken off bit of Korea, or it was a bit of vomit that came from me at the mere thought of Singapore. In fact, I can't see any reason why Singapore, or it's various different little sister countries. And, after all of this time thinking, I have come to the conclusion: Singapore does not exist.

Absolute facts[edit | edit source]

Singapore? what the Deuce is an "Singapore?"

The truth of Singapore is (If it where to have an Exist, and therefore it's history wouldn't be imaginary and would not be confined within the contents of this page.) In fact, you may need a huge table of contents in order to comprehend how Singapore could not exist. Allow me to Bring that to frutation (More than I ever could for Singapore, for Fuck's sake):

And that simple Table of contents shows how many facts there are surrounding The Singapore doesn't exist FACTS. There are many people who agree with me on this one; as not only does Windows ME bear with me, But the Bears bear with Windows ME and me. That just shows how much there is in evidence terms that Singapore does not exist.

We have much ado about the subject, as not only do we need to fill an entire Table of Contents to show I'm not just a lazy-arse who has picked an anonymous subject and then rambles about it, Oh-no!I'm gonna show you the Full facts regarding Singapore and it's in-existants. so pull your socks up, I've got a lot to write to not only bore you half to death but to write the world's first SERIOUS essay on how Singapore could not possibly exist. So let's go!

I keep accidentally spelling it as "Signapore"[edit | edit source]

It's so annoying! Why do they have to have a name like Singapore? It conflicts with my gross incompetence. I have no idea how I'm supposed to cope with this, when all spellchecker comes up with is "Signature"? What the fuck?? Sing-apore? That sounds like the kind of thing Justin Bieber would use in the Shower. You can also use it to annoy certain Australians, who may think that you are confusing it with a Honey brand.

Signapore, I mean "Singapore"

Population[edit | edit source]

The population of South Korea is about 30 million in 2022 and the population increases by about 1% a year. By 2100, there will be a change in name to Korean Empire, increasing its population to about 133 414 827 people. Troy is seven years old.

Internet evil[edit | edit source]

And everywhere, who have only just learned the embarrassing question of what the Internet is, let alone spell it. The same applies to Singapore, as just like in Cyberspace, are forced to write about non-existent places.

It has unrealistic goals[edit | edit source]

This wouldn't happen in a real country. It's too good.

Take a look at many various pieces of "Fanon" made by people who have too much time on their hands and therefore have enough time to make up fictional "Parts" of this "Creative piece of Writing" so they can get top marks on their futile "Effort" at trying to make their own little country and then post Blogs on their "country". Their so imaginative....

Page's deletion log[edit | edit source]