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OpenEnglish is an open-source version of the English language, currently in the lead of the famous developer unitedkingdom.

History[edit | edit source]

Old versions[edit | edit source]

The first version of OpenEnglish, v1.0, was created by the developer AngloSaxon in the 5th century. A big contributor to this project was Viking, which contributed a lot of changes to this repository in the 8th and 9th century, which is when OpenEnglish v1.1 was released. Those versions are marked Old.

Middle versions[edit | edit source]

The version v2.0 of OpenEnglish was released by a developer named Norman, in the 11th century, when parts of the other open-source languages, OpenFrench and OpenLatin, were merged into the project. The next 300 years were spent fixing the bugs and adding some more parts of OpenFrench and OpenLatin. The middle versions finished at the version v2.85.

Early modern versions[edit | edit source]

The version v3.0alpha was being in the making as of the late 15th century, as the new tools were released, like PrintingPress. OpenEnglish also got a big feature, which is being able to shift vowels. This version's codename was "King James Bible". Version v3.0 was released in the 18th century.

Modern versions[edit | edit source]

There was a rumor spreading around the 17th century about the version v4.0, as the lead developer was replaced with britishempire, and the famous developer unitedstates forked this repository. The grammar module in this project was downgraded a bit, and the v4.0 was released.

Current versions[edit | edit source]

The current stable version of OpenEnglish is v4.112. There were some discussions about implementing the other packages, like OpenEmoji, but this was refused, as a majority of the open-source languages haven't implemented this package yet.

Forks[edit | edit source]

OpenAustralianEnglish[edit | edit source]

This fork is maintained by the developer australia. It is very similar to the base repository.

OpenAmericanEnglish[edit | edit source]

This fork is maintained by the developer unitedstates. It is known for adding revolutionary changes. OpenAmericanEnglish is different than the base OpenEnglish repository, because of a quarrel unitedstates and unitedkingdom have. For example, OpenAmericanEnglish uses the module "can", while OpenEnglish uses the module "tin". Also, the "pronounciation" library is a bit different.

API[edit | edit source]

The OpenEnglish web API was released in 1604, by the developer RobertCawdrey. This version was very primitive, as it contained only 3,000 outputs. In 1746-1747 another developer, SamuelJohnson, created his own OpenEnglish web API, containing 43,500 outputs. There was also a web API created by NoahWebster. The largest web API was released by the developer oxford, called Oxford English Dictionary, in the late 19th century.