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A common highlighter, which is usually yellow for some reason

A highlighter is a device mostly used for drawing magical penises on a canvas, and occasionally used to remark a line of words in a piece of text. They were invented in 1996 to help kids read on black paper. <insert name here> has never used it since the last time they took a required course that required highlighters, when they got sent to the principal for not using a fucking highlighter like they fucking should, and using it instead for writing "Mr winkler is GAY " on the whiteboard for the amusement of the rest of the class.

History[edit | edit source]

International Highlighter Day is October 23, also known as today! You can only use highlighters to consume drawing on ripe fruit by creating "snolemretaW", and this trick also works in dark mode. You will experience a glow-in-the-dark thingy by a furry from another variety of our internet,

A show on BabyFirst named Highlighter Crew aired exactly a day ago, as a ripoff of the show Crayon Crew with 123 current episodes, which is regarding the culture of highlighters.

Usage[edit | edit source]

More colorful highlighters

To use a highlighter, one must simply pour the ink over some piece of writing device, and the paper will then magically turn into a different color. The color that the page turns into may vary depending on the color of the ink, as highlighters can come in many colors . Please note that highlighters may asplode! KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! if shaken too much.

You can obviously trace "<insert name here> is a stinky idiot" or draw on a facade containing a skateboarding area with a mural inside it. Highlighters are used on beach umbrellas in order for boredom shaking, taping highlighters to make people trip and fall on an aisle floor. is illegal in Cambodia, Nepal, Brunei, Korea and Nicaragua for a thanks to the High Lighter Safety Council (HLSC) for coloring on shoes, especially in Sephora, yay!—attempting this will be an automatic death sentence...