Forum:Chief and UU's Mince Pie extravaganza!

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Chief and UU's Mince Pie extravaganza!
Note: This topic has been unedited for 3458 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
2174 MEDIUM.jpg

That's right, after a one year hiatus it will be returning to Uncyclopedia this year. It's more popular than the Poo Lit Surprise, more amusing than a Donkey falling off a bridge and you can take part from the comfort of your own home!

Yes, I mean you <insert name here>!

For the uninitiated, it is customary on and around the festive season of the year for people to consume mince pies! This happens all over the world, even in less developed countries, like the United States of America!

Ever since I joined Uncyclopedia, around the time of my first hip replacement, this competition has been run on an informal basis by UU or myself for anybody who wishes to participate. It's just a bit of fun and it's even better the more people who join in.

How do I participate?

It's very simple:

  1. Eat a mince pie!
  2. Put a picture of a mince pie next to your name on the competition page!
  3. Eat another mince pie!
  4. Repeat until full!


What picture of a mince pie should you use? This one!

What do you get if you win? Heart disease!

What do you get if you lose? Cancer!

What do you get if you don't take part? Nothing!

The munching begins on my user page today! Be there or, be square! --ChiefjusticeXBox360 16:24, 28 November 2014 (UTC)