Category:Communist symbols

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A typical image that belongs in this category.

This is a collection that shows we are communists.

DISCLAIMER: What you might see here are offending to Russians. If you're Russian, Cuban, Chinese or North Korean, fuck off.

Under section sign, hammer and sickle.svg
Legal disclaimer

This page shows (or resembles) a symbol that was used by Communist organizations or parties closely related to them.

The use of Communist insignia (such as the hammer and sickle, red star, or images of Communist leaders) may be banned in Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Indonesia, and was previously banned in Hungary, Moldova, Poland, and parts of the United States, depending on context.

Therefore, if you are in Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, or Indonesia, welcome to Uncyclopedia! We are your go-to source for free Communist insignias! Hail Stalin!

Pages in category "Communist symbols"

This category contains only the following page.

Media in category "Communist symbols"

The following 71 files are in this category, out of 71 total.