Apple Corps

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Apple Corps, Ltd. is the armed branch of the infinitely expanding British band known in this universe as The Beatles. Founded in 1968, Apple Corps was deeply entrenched in several of the worlds' bloodiest conflicts, and was falsely classified as a terrorist organization.

The logo of the once dominant power known as Apple Corps.

The Battle for Savile Row (1968)[edit | edit source]

In May of 1968, The Beatles declared themselves emperors of the known universe, which at the time only encapsulated a small street in central London. Apple was swiftly founded, and arms were taken up. Some who were present for the conquering stated it could be more accurately described as a massacre[1]. If you ask me, it was a justified struggle. Millions were slain, vainly trying to defend already failing industries, the ideals of a world which had long since disappeared. Apple Corps sustained no casualties, and The Beatles soon realized there was much more to be dealt with.

Also, John Lennon was declared God Emperor of the Universe.

Peace at Any Cost & The Vietnam War (1968-1976)[edit | edit source]

John Lennon being declared God Emperor, with a wondrous fanfare.

Vietnam[edit | edit source]

The Vietnam War played an important role in Apple Corps' propaganda news. Of course, Apple Corps was constantly striving to create a haven of cooperation, communal reliance, and recreational drug use. As a result of these values, Apple Corps decided to get involved in the Vietnam War. They declared that they would bring all soldiers of all nationalities back to their homes (albeit, in boxes). Dressed in their signature pure white uniforms, Apple soldiers descended into Vietnam, killing anyone and everyone they came across. It was Savile Row all over again, with millions slain. A little known fact about Apple's involvement in Vietnam: Apple Corps is still the official government after their victory over the nation in 1976!

Peace at Any Cost[edit | edit source]

In 1969, John Lennon and Paul McCartney declared "Peace Law" within all controlled territories. This law stated that all who opposed the doctrine of peace/peaceful action were to be executed. Peaceful action entailed praying to the portraits of The Beatles as situated in the east of all buildings five times a day, consistently being under the influence, and partaking in community farming projects. Opposing these actions was simply ridiculous, and rightfully resulted in a tortuous death.

The Death of God[edit | edit source]

By 1980, Apple Corps was as powerful as ever. God (the name assumed by Lennon in 1971) was visiting New York City in order to propagate the doctrine of peaceful action. The United States Government had long been fearful of God's powers, and were lying in wait for him as he arrived. Tragically, God was shot three times in the back. His spirit then entered the body of Paul McCartney, who subsequently ascended to Godhood. He has remained the head of Apple ever since.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Trust me, bro