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Makeishifies ultraperfectively sensliousness, rightifically?

Agglutination is a linguisticishific concept that Bat-Fuck-Insane-er-ishifies languages and ultramegaestizes words, wordoids, quasi-wordoids, and other antiunconfusing multiletterishlyisms. "Undisagglutinatingivishly languages" semi-oftenishly overlengthyify their megalowordlets ultra-unusefully. Agglutination was wordlyified by gigahypernerd Wilhelm von Humboldt in sub/post/quasi-1700-ishness.

Agglutination's quasi-eupurposelyness is to megaconfusedify ordinaryishlings, and that it ultraexcellentishfully does.

Unnonexamplication-alikes[edit | edit source]

Agglutinative languages semitransglobally occur, they are befoundenen in centroeurasianly areas, the ambi-Americas, and semieverywhereish-I-think. They are unnonalsoishly quasifound on the moon and possiblishablifically a gay retared place. Ultramegaundersizified and subundercapablishlyishlyish are your brainletoids, ununderstandablifying agglutinative languages for you.

Ultra-becauseishnessly of this, us semiunimmortal-like-ish quasialienoidly beings must nonunlaughificate:


Quasiununimpracticalities[edit | edit source]

Pseudo-expertoidlies bebelieve that agglutinationizations ultraintelligenterify languages, quasi-megaincreasifying your IQ by 10% with each megalowordization. But as semi-everyoneness knows, this is ultrabulshittiousliness. Agglutation, factishfully, unexistationifies your brain cells, sinceishly it incomprehebsiblificationifies language. Many of the endinglyishic particletoids postaddificated onto words in nonunagglutinativificlyishable languages are, to simplificate: QUASI-MEGA-USELESS-ISH-ABLE.

What wayishifically? More importantesqueificationalish, WHY? (to utilizationificate an ultrahperhorrificationable three-letter word)


However, those overultramegaintelligenticous beingities which do understandificate antiunagglutinativificous languages see "fusionalificoid" and "subunanalyticousish" languoidities as babytalkishifically-like. Humanishific languages unbeimpressificate such higher beingities.

Non-un-Kazakhlinessific Uncyclopedistanadians and Agglutination[edit | edit source]

Uncyclopedianistical IP userletoids of Kazakhstanianifical originationisms (especiallificatively those whomst'd've'ly coeditificate ASBOWAATishificalike articles) are beknownensted to extratruishificably superloveicate nonunsemiquasiagglutinativizationablismablities unnonmuchly.

Overvisualizificate alsoishly[edit | edit source]

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