Voiced velar trill

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The voiced velar trill is a trill that is used very rarely. It is in fact, probably the fourth rarest trill, after the palatal, linguolabial, and labiodental trill. It is judged impossible by the international phonetics association, while it is very possible, as many people have tried and failed, but some has succeeded to articulate this beautiful sound. The voiceless velar trill is slightly easier difficult to produce.

Features[edit | edit source]

  • It is a Trill, so something in your mouth needs to vibrate. It is considered impossible by those who run the International Phonetics Association, because there isn't anything floppy enough there to trill. They are wrong. The thing that is being trilled is your spit.
  • It sounds like the most beautiful sound imaginable, a duck being strangled.
  • It is very hard, and requires a lot of effort to articulate, and leaves your mouth sore, but generates the most beautiful sound imaginable, like a very old car trying and failing to start.
  • It is part of a number of magic spells, and it's difficulty to articulate is why in the late 18th century, civilization switched from magic to technology, since all of the wizards were getting sore throats.

Occurrence[edit | edit source]

Unlike the voiced bilabial trill, ʙ, /ꭊ/ is used for magic, and not just paralinguistically in English. Not other usage yet known.

Suppression by the International Phonetics Association[edit | edit source]

The International Phonetics Association, in accordance with their policy of suppressing magic, as is evidenced by their exclusion on their vowel chart of /ꙋ/, the ignoring of the labial lateral fricatives, and their ignoring of the bilabial flap (/ⱳ/).

It is believed that the Unicode Consortium is also involved, as there is no dedicated symbol for the small capital reversed l (⅃).

See Also[edit | edit source]