User talk:Tango&Cash

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This is the information on the 'rise against' tea tea-rorist cell, they are currently under investigation by tango and ca$h

The Cell's LOGO and moral stance.

Crime - Does not pay.

Rise against hate tea drinkers so much there willing to deploy tea urns strapped with coffee beans and nitroglycerin and then detonate them in heavily populated areas so 'spread the word of coffee' survivors of this ordeal can never get the smell of ground coffee from there minds.

This is their 'calling card' This cell is currently houses the most evil bean headed scum I have ever seen.. leaving the symbol over slain enemies along with 2 coffee beans on the dead body, one in the mouth the other.. the anus.

Group Leaders and Commanders

This is the only confirmed photo of mcbean, any information or intel will result in a reward.

the leader of this group is called ras mc bean and is a very dangerous criminal, known to bathe in pure jamacian blue mountain coffee mixed with his enemies blood (and semen, but this is unconfirmed) , what he makes fills our streets with dirty bean heads and must be brought to justice... we currently have no other intel on the supect(s) but will be updating the network when we find more on them.

NOTE:: Captain Schroeder has been directly linked with the bean corruption ring and is suspended effectively subject to internal investigations by the LAPD.

People who are known to be in league with the cell are

thenoobkiller (also a known party pooper)
Station6 (also rumored to have slain missy)

and just to clarify you have no rights bean heads... this is tea country...and we will bring you down.... one by beanyone.

any information on these scum is welcomed and if it leads to a conviction the government is offering a reward.

tango and cash will also hand out a good old la ass whooping to the perps.

Tango and ca$h out

The Bean Head Anti Tea-rorist Cell