User talk:Elhobbit

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A catsodomizer is a rare creature with approxiamately 5 legs; 4 where legs normally are, and wait for it: the last one is really an OVERGROWN seacuCUMber which many confuse to be its penis. Actually, the seacuCUMber really is its wank which just about throws everyone other than lieutenant unobvious (the infamous cousin of captain understatement) off, simply because he still thinks it is an extension of his own head.

Sometimes Catsodomizers go completely nuts. This state of mind can easily be compared to BAT FUCK INSANE and even APE SHIT CRAZY. However, it is known more simply to most biologists as the OHSHITLETSPISSOUTOFHEREFASTBEFOREITEXPLODES!mode. This is when a completely FUCKED OVER catsodomizer runs teh hell around the ,place givin everyone, including dead goats, their finishing move: TEH BUTT CRAMP FROM HELL!!. even rapists are no match for the catsodomizer when it is in butt cramp mode, whereupon they become rapetastic. some would argue that the experience of being given a butt cramp by a catsodomizer is far worse than being raped by 15 dead and 15 living goats at the EXACT SAME TIME!! this fact has astounded not only biologists, but also retards and assholes for many centuries, ever since George Bush(undisputed king of the assholes) was handpicked by God to be president of the United States.