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Hey, <insert name here> don't worry a rep from YTTE is on their way, they'll be here soon. I understand you've travelled far to get here?

Oh right, that sounds interesting. Can I get you something to drink? No, just feel free to take whatever you want. Oh, that's a coupon, actually, you can use it at the Uncyclopedia Bar or at the YTTE Bar (both don't exist, never were going to exist and never will exist, sorry). Right yes, please, sit down.

Yes, as I said, I'm awfully sorry you've been made to wait. Uh, hu, yes, of course.

Ah, I don't know what is taking them so long, can I tempt you with a cigar?. Usually the reps just get out here quick, bash the person over the head with a crowbar and leave. No, uh, no I understand that is not how you wanted to be treated. Well, feel free to leave a complaint with the management, here (there may be a risk of an electric shock, though, so be careful). And I understand, yes, I'm sorry about the rep not turning up, I'm going to have to ask you to leave now, I'm sorry. Oh, right.

Well, if you wish you can just lounger around here, for a bit, if you want. Yes, OK.

Ok, we're closing now. You've got to go. Sir, you MUST go! I'm sorry but you've got to leave, please, <insert name here>! Damn it, you're making a scene, here! Yes I know there's no one else on the page, it's just you and me...yes.


Now will you leave, or I'll have to call security. I'm going to count to ten, and then I'm calling security. Please, <insert name here>, I'm jsut doing my job.

9 and a half

I'm sorry, I'm calling security now.