User:Vosnul/Future Weapons ( with Richard Machowicz )

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Future Weapons is an AMAZING American war propaganda television show broadcast on "The Discovery Channel" Or T.D.C. for short. Host Richard Machowicz ( or H.R.M's ) are looking for the latest developments in weaponry and how these high-tech gadgets obfuscate the reality of the war effort Help make the world a saver place.

Machowicz, a former navy seal sniper ( OR N.S.S. ), left the army right before the shit hit the fan in Iraq. He claimed to be afraid of blood and dying and such and stated he was insane. After he told the court-martial judge that he wanted to persue a career in educational television he was released from the army on a Section 5.

In the show Richard demonstrates the fearsome capabilities of various new superduper weapon systems by testing them out himself and acting like he knows what he is doing. He clearly exemplifies the awesome effect of "guns that shoot people" G.T.S.P's by shooting stationary thin metal plates, wooden sheets and bricks. M.W.B's The Amazing power of "computer added barothermic fire and forget ground to ground target airmissiles" C.A.B.F.F.G.G.T.A's is made clear when Richard blows up a mortarless building in the middle of nowhere.

But the main thing he is constantly proofing is how the awesome good guys can peacefully shoot, blow up, mame and kill evil wicked bad guy terrorists and be home at Christmas. The awesome awesomeness of war is made clear trough armour penetrating ammo A.P.A's and amazingly accurate supersonic ballistic artillery rounds that blow the bejeezus out of hospitals and kindergartens A.B.A.R.B.B.O.H.K's.

Future weapons is in no way a glorification of war and violence, it only promotes peace and harmony. It also does not, in any way, distract away from the fact that the wars on terror, drugs and the rest of the world are not going so well.

Neither does the format try to uphold the illusion that war is a clean and farely harmless endeavour. No suggestion is added in context by Richard's raving reviews for bigger faster more explosive armaments. And Machowicz does not get hard when holding a big gun. ( and his big guns are NOT, I repeat, NOT compensation any other ... guns. )

The show merely postulates that, in some situation, one could, within certain boundaries, contemplate that love and understanding could, theoretically, be enforced by force, bullets and large explosions. And least of all does this television series demonstrate the worst form of misguided nationalistic partiotism and in no way is it a symptom that police states and bully nations put forth.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

Screenshot Title Original airdate Production code # Total
Grenade filled with shotguns copy.gif "I Kill you" April 19, 1915 1 1
Panzers.jpg "Germ(an) warfare" April 26, 1942 2 2
GoodKorea-BadKorea.jpg "Blow shit up, And we are winning!" May 3, 1955 3 3
's mistake.jpg "Blow Shit up, AND WE ARE RUNNING AWAY" May 10, 2006 4 4
Armed monkeys.jpg "Smart Weapons, Retard Soldiers" May 17, 2006 5 5
Explodey.jpg "War, Huh, what is it good for ?" May 24, 2006 6 6
  • Distracting public view from collapsing economy (USA)
  • Cheap Oil(WORLD)
  • Stupid television shows about guns and big explosions(USA)