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A neologism is a word, phrase, or term that has recently been created for the sole purpose of confusing those who are not yet touch-feel with its meaning. Neologisms are especially useful around those that have only been speaking the native language for a few years, and those still fresh from their mother's wacky-vacky. For example, constantly repeating the word "neologism" to an infant over and over again is likely to end with the infant screaming and grabbing people's head-hangies.

In contrast, some people prefer to use neologisms in order to sound fanta-honkers, or accepted. However, these people are usually unaware of the extreme measures others take in order to be completely incoherant. This may cause some to eventually lose track of what they're saying and start speaking in jibberish. This act of ignorance is bound to get the congest-nose beaten and thoroughly curb-stomped.