User:The Winter Wolf

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Jesus Loves This Page

The Jee Man Himself has Shown, in His infinite Wisdom, that He is the Ultimate Purveyor of all things Awesome, Nifty, Spiffy, and generally Interesting. He has personally Reviewed this page and Given His Blessing. The submitter may be Forgiven three venial sins or one mortal sin.

“Ah, Jesus, he's that guy you love to hate”

- God on The_Winter_Wolf

“If I ever find him, I will kill him!”

- Oprah on The_Winter_Wolf

“We're brotherz from another motherz.”

- Jesus on The_Winter_Wolf

“He's actually kind of cute.”

- Girl on the street on The_Winter_Wolf

“He's a real hunk!!”

- Michael Jackson on The_Winter_Wolf


- The_Winter_Wolf on Michael Jackson on The_Winter_Wolf
James had a hand in humiliating Hitler in front of thousands of Nazis

James "The Wolf" K is regarded as being one of the most random people on earth. Originally born in 1939 to a penguin and a wolf, James had a key part in WWII, with his sheer stupidity and randomness, as seen on the left. After WWII, he travelled the world to make fun of everybody and to play music. He also obtained an unhealthy obssession of pipe-smoking and studying the way of life for pimps. Today, he is currently settled in Australia.

World-War II[edit | edit source]

In Germany[edit | edit source]

James played a significant part in World War II, especially in the downfall of Hitler on the homefront. As seen before, James made Hitler look like an idiot. One of the most notable shots James would ever take is the one seen on the right. In this specific photo, Hitler is wearing his favorite pink shirt while eating some ice-cream. Armed with this photo, he managed to make 70,543 copies and spread them out throughout the entire city of Berlin and Munich. Many people were stunned to see that Hitler was, in fact, a sissy and immediately stopped following the Nazi movement. This marked the beginning of the Nazi decline in Germany.

The picture seen here, is a picture of the real Hitler, when the Germans saw this, they gave up.

On the Eastern Front[edit | edit source]

James played a significant part in the Eastern Front even though he never touched a gun. Instead, during the Russian winter counter-offensive, James played MC Hammer's "Can't touch this", which is considered to be the catchiest tune to date. What happened was one of the bloodiest massacres ever to be recorded in history. The Germans, being caught by the catchy tune, decided to break dance on the ice. The ice crumbled, and many were killed.

As a result, James had managed to wipe out 24 Infantry Divisions and 18 Panzer Divisions. More than any one could. However, some of you may ask: Why did I never hear of this? The simple answer is that Stalin threatened James with death if he ever told anyone what he had done.

The Germans, seen here, are dancing to "Can't Touch This". Soon after, they would die a terrible, cold death.

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