User:TKF/UnBooks:Beverly Hills Tales

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The towering center is worth a stare

When in December consumers barely stall,

Their shopping drought pierced by the leave of Fall.

The bums are bathed in liquor of such power

That only seems to refill every hour,

Any passerby could stop and think

"My god, could someone have that much stink?"

The bums crowd in the shadow of the tall,

Monolithic bodice of the new shopping mall.

Then people long to go on pilgrimages

To the malls and break off all engagements,

For from every town 'til America's end,

Of California, to Beverly Hills they wend

To see the holy Beverly Center and stick

To it with such engrossment, it is truly sick.

Two journeymen converse with jolly air.

It happened in that season that one day

In Vegas, at The Royale, as I lay

Ready to go on pilgrimage and start

For California, most greedy at heart,

At night they came into that hostelry

Some ten and seven in a company

Of smutty folk happening then to fall

In fellowship, and they were pilgrims all.

To the malls they were meant to travel

Across all desert, field and gravel

And if need be, over human as well

In the rush to shop, who cares who fell?

Myself, a middle class man of no great wealth,

Boarded the Greyhound to Cali’ with stealth,

Trying not to mingle with the myriad folks

From the inn, but as the mysterious strokes

Of fate would have it, I joined their troop

And got to know each one in the group.

There was a mogul, whose wealth was the most

And on good terms with our host

Perhaps from bribery, perhaps from interest.

He was the one who proposed the idea of a contest

To see who could tell the best tale on the journey

And the winner would earn his goods for free,

“However much the winner could buy,” said the mogul,

“I would cover in my cash, paid in full.”

A picture of the upstart, or of the tart?

Among us was a rising young actress,

Whose startling good looks made her a temptress

For myself and the rest, though only she

Knew the one thing she kept in secrecy.

Though the men all want her on a plate,

They would be caught for soliciting jailbait.

The fifteen year old girl dressed up in traditional

Tight duds, with no bra and a sectional.

Her spoiled, rich girl cover spared all formality,

Her slutty exterior topped only by the next personality.

The whore superior traveled with her three sisters and pimp,

Who smacked around the four broads 'til they limp

They were all clad in the usual garb:

Whores scantily, pimp with suit and a barb

To keep the whores in line if they weren't smart

To make sure he kept a flock of well-bred tarts