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They seem to like deleting my pages

WATCH OUT![edit | edit source]

WARNING: Beatle obsessive on the loose, Starr'll probably be grazing on your pages and salivating on your photos. If found please call 666 and ask for Jesus, although you won't get Jesus, you'll get some pyromaniac goat-dude.

Crappy guest stuff[edit | edit source]

Hmph. I said HI, which stinker deleted it? :P


Well, wasn't me...Hey though ;)

---~'Starr' 10:08, January 5, 2011 (UTC)

Hola Starr Barr. Tis me, HGA. RHhehtehrheygfydhejejf. Congratulations on your many contributions to the Owlient page. Hee haw.