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The grave of Santa, no one knows what killed him. Except us.

This is a public service announcement by some guy.

Do not under any circumstances search "Tub Girl" on Google Images with safe search off. In fact don't search anything on Google images with safe search off, even with safe search on you are probably going to discover 50 pages of breasts and karma sutra positions.

The repulsivity of Tub Girl shall leave you emotionally distraught, don't worry though, most viewers die 20 minutes later.

Santa was the first victim of the Tub Girl image, why he searched it, we do not know.

Origins of Tubgirl.

The reason why Tubgirl is so hideous and repulsive can only be questioned and talked of, for no one actually sees her and is able to speak again.

If articles below make you queasy then stay away from Tub Girl[edit | edit source]

  1. Your mum
  2. Fatties
  3. Gravity
  4. Anal Fisting

Disclaimer[edit | edit source]

Shortly after writing this, went to Google and then spontaneously combusted, you have been warned.