User:SockyTheSockpuppet/Rocky & Bullwinkle

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Rocky & Bullwinkle is the seventh of ten films in the Rocky trilogy. Starring Sylvester Stallone and Bullwinkle J. Moose, it follows the formula of the previous five movies[1] but with a new twist: He teams up with a cartoon moose. It was released theatrically in stereo.

Synopses Sinopses Plot[edit | edit source]

Critical Reception[edit | edit source]

The critical reception was overwhelmingly negative, receiving ratings from "Two snaps down" through "Two birds up." One Youtube commentator declared it "teh wurst ting evah!!! y tey maekign anothar!!!!" Despite this eloquently worded, and immensely insightful view, the film set new box office records[2] and is credited with "Singlehandedly funding the franchise for decades."

Soundtrack[edit | edit source]

A soundtrack was released alongside the Betamax edition of the movie. However, due to licensing issues, it only used Weird Al remakes.

Track # Title Length
Eye of the Cyclops
Rocky & Bullwinkle Theme
George of the Jungle Theme (Bonus Track)

And now something you'll really like[edit | edit source]

  1. Rocky gets challenged to a boxing match, shit happens, Rocky wins
  2. Surpassed since by Rocky & Bullwinkle 2: A Most Heinous Expedition in the WABAC machine and Rocky & Bullwinkle 3: A Most Heinous Expedition in the WABAC machine 2: Rex Raptor: Prehistoric Boxer