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Formed in 1968, Iodine is a franchised restaurant chain owned and operated by the Io family-hence 'Io' and 'Dine', a play on words. With 17 current and 7 past locations Iodine is the fastest growing Science-Themed dining in the world.

In 1993, New York Iodine was used in the filming of the movie 'Groundhog Day' for the dining scenes between Bill Murray and Andi McDowell. Andi McDowell, ooooh la laaaah.

| Menu and Advertising


Many Iodine menu items must be made by the customer themself.

In March 1996, Iodine announced a promotion to coincide with the Havana, Cuba Bicentennial. The local Navy towed a large boat out into the Pacific Ocean and blew it up to bits and pieces announcing that there's no way any Cuban ever is going to taste freedom let alone a delicious milkshake. Every person in Cuba however was entitled to a free menu-a notably unique and curious form of torture. The Cuban Government bought a sizable insurance policy for this act of suffering but State Farm isn't stupid so they never paid out.

In 1997, a Berlin Iodine franchisee bought the naming rights to the Berlin Wall, waited until it was torn down, then removed all the pieces and assembled mini Berlin Walls at each of the three Germany restaurants. To this day the walls still remain and cause great difficulty to diners with hopes of escaping the restaurants. Later, in 1998, Africa offered Iodine stores the exclusive right to carry and sell pet zebras as they are abundant, ride like horses, and always look like they're mimes or old time prisoners.

|  Dress Code

With top-notch service comes a certain level of luxury. The world created at Iodine channels this energy exactly and therefore warrants a higher attention to detail in appearance. To enjoy the exquisite experiences Club Iodine offers one must first dress the part.


Special occasions are so few and far between, so why not relish in the opportunity to shimmy into an extra bit of glitz and glam? 

What to Wear

Ladies:  Ravishing dresses, evening gowns, or pants suits (with a matching blazer, duhh) with white lab coat are acceptable of course however for diners wishing to make the evening extra spicy, ditch the clothing & go straight to lingerie only under the lab coat.  The 'Hot Laboratory Technician' look will make any man harder than Organic Chemistry 404:  Neurotransmitter Reuptake Inhibition.

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