User:Shabidoo/happymonkeycompetition/2014/Cat the Colourful

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Cat the Colourful

Link to page: User:Cat the Colourful/Brazil (Film)

From Romartus[edit | edit source]

Creativity Humour Originality Total
7/10 6/10 6/10 21/30

Creative and original but unbalanced as regards introduction and main part of the article.

From Shabidoo[edit | edit source]

Creativity Humour Originality Total
8/10 6/10 5.5/10 19.5/30

Very high marks for creativity. The "with a bong full of heroin" made me laugh.

creativity: a ripped page from Variety was found on the floor with a sentence written in blood stating "when are you going to release my film?", jumping down from a window with huge metallic wings

humour:having no idea what the original footage even dealt with, with a bong full of heroin

originality:the motif of people dissappearing during production, started collecting huge amounts of Monty Python-merchandise

From Napoleon Khan[edit | edit source]


From The Wiki Man[edit | edit source]

Creativity Humour Originality Total
8/10 5/10 6/10 6.5/10

Great, just remember not to create vaity[1]

From IFYMB![edit | edit source]


From Sarah[edit | edit source]


Grand Total[edit | edit source]


Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. "I don't know but I need to buy Monty Python's Flying Circus now bye."