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Wow! It's fucking magical or something!

Collisionism (also known as Intelligent Destruction) is the religious belief that the universe, the solar system and all life on Earth was the work of intelligently guided cosmic collisions. Unlike fundamentalist creationists, collisionists do not reject the overwhelming scientific consensus that the universe is billions of years old, nor do they believe in a literal six day creation, instead they believe that everything we see in the universe was slowly fashioned, over billions of years, by a supreme, intelligent "collider". Although collisionism does not specify the nature or the identity of the collider, many of its leading proponents believe the collider to be Chuck Norris.


For hundreds of years, the nebula hypothesis for the formation of the solar system has dominated science.



The Moon

The Rings of Saturn





Miranda is the fifth largest moon of Uranus and is believed by some to be the result of God wanting to use up all his leftover terrain paint.

NASA, the leading institute for collision science, believes that Miranda "may have been shattered as many as five times during its evolution".

Views on Evolution

While collisionists accept that Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection can explain much of what is oberved here on Earth, they believe that at certain points in the evolutionary timeline, Darwinian mechanisms alone cannot account for the observations and therefore there must have been some kind of destruction involved. The most well known example of this is the extinction of the dinosaurs, which Collisionists believe was the result of a large asteroid impact. Mainstream science however rejects this theory, as it struggles to explain why all dinosaurs, pterosaurs and plesiosaurs died, but mammals, birds and crocodiles were generally unaffected.


Collisionists reject the overwhelming consensus that the extinction of the Dinosaurs was due to climate change.

Evolutionist Richard Dawkins has been highly critical of the logic of collisionists, accusing them of employing what skeptical scientists call the 'Rock-of-the-gaps fallacy'. "To say 'We can't explain this, therefore a big rock did it', is completely and utterly unscientific and based on extremely flawed logic.", said Dawkins, "Science is about what we can observe and what is empirically testable. Intelligent Destruction does not meet this criteria. There is no way to tangibly prove any of these supposed collisions. It is not science, it is anti-science."

Climatologist Al Gore has also criticized collisionists for denying the scientific consensus that the extinction of the Dinosaurs was due to global warming caused by elevated CO2 levels. "Global warming killed the dinosaurs, I'm super serial!", said Gore, "The Ferarri-driving Velociraptors were careless. They did not manage their carbon emissions and they paid the price. Things out in space had nothing to do with it. We humans must learn from their mistakes, or else we will suffer the same fate. I'm super serial!"

Many fundamentalist creationists have also criticized collisionists, accusing them of hypocricy. "Collisionists make fun of us for believing in a young earth and a global flood, or for using God to explain gaps in the theory of evolution, for which there is overwhelming supporting evidence", said a creationist, "yet they often invoke, without any evidence whatsoever, a convenient giant impact to explain away anomolies in the solar system. It's total hypocricy! But as the Bible says in Ezekiel 23:20, 'There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses', I rest my case."

"Who Collided the Collider?"

See Also