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IM SATV9 the most stupidest cyclopedian ever! This is my userpage!

I hiope my edits stacked on your recent edits caused you the maximum disruption and annoyance possible! I am not one of the sorts who overwrites other peopleś hard work but I will attempt to ruin any funny article I come across by diluting it with as many pure shites as possible!!! Yeep! Believe it or not I am an organic and I produce feces as a result! Please ensure I have the wurst editing experience! my involvement with Encyclopedia Unnycontent pedia will have no good impacts on my future development as a human person whatsoever so it be best if I get disencouraged as soon as possible! My foremanmost interests are: Automobiles, tanks, firearms, planes, boats, buildings, electronic devices and robots!! And qite clearly shown by my Deviantart, I am really stretching: mah ballssack using a car door/the platonic meaning of the word ïnterest!

This has been a satv9 / canon de 75 special announcement. signing-ining-ing out. tTwt. Out. You may return to your actually mildly entertaining standard Uncyclopedia programming.