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ALPHABET: A(ah) B(be) C(sce) D(de) E(e) F(fau) G(gi) H(hau) I(ai) J(je) K(ka) L(le) M(me) N(ne) O(oh) P(pi) Q(ku) R(er as in french R) S(se) T(te) U(uh) V(ve) W(werlis) X(ixse) Y(ya) Z(zed). special letters: ä(eh) ü(uuh)

SAMPLE PHRASES: All phrases are read as written! Hallo-Hello Comis Fauren?-How are you? Esit tuter me lauder-I'm Sorry. Pardoner-Pardon me/excuse me. Eh bir gute ind dui?- I am good/fine and you?

Similarity to english/german/spanish.

Robertian- Hallo, eh kommen fromi Amerika, ind ver ar dui kommen? German-Hallo, ich kommt aus Amerika, und wo bist du komst? Spanish- Hola, soy de Amerika, de donde eres tu? English-Hello, I come from America, and where are you from?

Grammar- three cases for objects- dar, dun, dies. nouns must be capitalized!! der(masculine) dun(feminime) dies(neuter).

examples using cases. dar Man- the man der Womih- the woman dies Kilde-the child

to make nouns plural add s to the noun. the man- the men= dar Man- dar Mans the woman-the women- der Womih-der Womihs the child-the children= dies Kilde-dies Kildes.

Sentence- Dies Kildes are plahing in dar Playgrond.- The children are playing in the playground.

Aproximately 5,000,000 people speak Robertian, in the secret world of Robertia.

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