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30 Days of Shite - Are you really still playing this...?

...There's only two reasons to choose a gun like that. One is that you're a woman, and don't go giving us that bullshit because everybody knows that the only women on the Internet are the ones with no clothes on in pictures. The second is that while you are in fact a man, you are in touch with your feminine side and as such have no requirement for blatant phallic symbolism such as ownership of a large gun - which is basically exactly the same thing as being gay.

Disclaimer: The producers of 30 Days of Shite would like to take this opportunity to defend themselves against charges of homophobia. We are not prejudiced against homosexuals in any way - indeed, we used to have a gay gerbil in the 1980s, but we swapped him for front row tickets at a Pet Shop Boys concert - and when we use the term "gay" we are referring not to homosexuals but to gays. Homosexuals are perfectly fine by us, except for the one who lives next door and plays Abba CDs at full volume all fucking day.

So, since we've established that you cannot possibly be a woman, it can only possibly be assumed that you are a gay.

So, what are you going to do next?

P5aa I rather fancy a spot of flower-arranging, as it happens. I wonder where I might find facilities allowing me to take part in such an activity?

P5ab Actually, I'm so hurt by your accusations regarding my alleged homosexuality I'm going to use the gun to kill myself.