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30 Days of Shite - I'd hit the back button now, if I were you. You're about to get severely pwnt by a goth. Most embarrassing.

Bad move, matey. You approach the goth, fists ready to pound its stupid pasty face. But it looks up at you with amber eyes burning into your own even through its crappy floppy fringe. OMG! That's not a goth - it's a vampire!

Before you can even consider ways to escape, it grasps you in its razor talons and lowers its deadly teeth to your throat. Your last sensation is of your blood being drained as your consciousness ebbs away. You recall that goths all over the world get hot under the collar dreaming about this sort of thing, but you really can't see what the fuss is all about - in fact, it's really quite painful. Lucky for you then that you die within minutes.