User:OPOSSUM/Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate

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Keisarillisen Suomen
Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate
Ancient Finnish Empire
PFHRKflag.png ???
Flag Coat of Arms
Largest cityOld Ulan-Bator
Official language(s)Proto-Finnic
GovernmentTotalitarian khaganate with a spice of mammoths
CurrencyRaha (squirrel skin)
ReligionUltimate Automated Perkelese Mongolian Cyber-paganism
Population1,203,824,758 (7,970 B.C.)
Area~9,600,000 square miles/24,900,000 square kilometers

The Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate, also known as the Ancient Finnish Empire (Finnish: Keisarillisen Suomen) was an ancient empire consisting of western Russia and the whole of Europe. Its citizens were proud subjects of the Finnish thunder god Ukko, despite the "Holy Roman" in its name. The Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate is best known the Finno-Korean Hyperwar, which it waged against the Great Korean Hwan Empire, resulting in the collapse of both nations

and plunging of both nations into the Neolithic Dark Ages.

The Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate was established in 59745 B.C., and it collapsed in 7349 B.C.

History[edit | edit source]

Origins[edit | edit source]

Out of Africa[edit | edit source]

Long before the Ice Age even started, in the days when man first made his long trek out of the African jungles, a tension within the so-called Boreo-Adamic Clan resulted the clan's breakup into several tribes: one became the ancestors of Basques and Sardinians, one became the ancestors of Australian Aborigines and New Guineans, one band later travelled to the Americas over the Bering Land Bridge to become the ancestors of the American Indians, one was the grandfather of all Southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders, Malays, Filipinos and southern Chinese, one was the ancestor of the Middle Easterners, yet another the forerunner of the Dravidians and their great city of Kumari-Kandam. Yet another tribe became the angry, warlike Palaeo-Siberians, among whom was the Malta-Buret Culture. All these tribes would later separate into yet smaller tribes over the millennia. leading bloody battles, pillaging cities, raping women, burning down forests, and the like.

The Ice Age Begins[edit | edit source]

The last Pleistocene Ice Age jumped in out of nowhere some time around 34,000 B.C. As the Earth became colder, the battle of strength turned into a battle of wits. Everyone who had an I.Q. below 120 (99% of the world's population at the time) was wiped off the face of the planet, and only the bigbrains of the lot could survive. This evolutionary pressure caused a new wave of science and technology to be ushered in, causing warfare to go from spears and arrows to atom bombs laser death rays in approximately 1,500 years. The resulting fallout and nucular [sic] winter caused the Ice Age to become even worse, and the world's population declined by 95%. Two nations (whose founders both coincidentally descended primarily from the "Palaeo-Siberians") rose from the ashes: the Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate and the Great Korean Hwan Empire, both claiming that they could get the world under control.

Rise to prominence[edit | edit source]

These two nations prospered for a while, and at first they were close economic partners: the Finns sold military mammoths and plutonium missiles to the Koreans, and the Koreans sold Kpop albums and vibranium tanks (imported from their colony of Wakanda) to the Finns.

Finno-Korean Hyperwar[edit | edit source]

Main article: Finno-Korean Hyperwar

Collapse[edit | edit source]

The Hyperwar, as stated above, resulted in the downfall of both the Great Hwan Empire and the Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate.

Government and military[edit | edit source]

The amazing infrastructure, metal pyramids, war mammoths, and thirteen-million strong army of the Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate cannot be seen in its entirety in this image.

Economy[edit | edit source]

Culture[edit | edit source]